Monday, March 1, 2010

We now interupt this regularly scheduled adoption blog...

To bring you a month of prayer...well, about prayer.

First off, I know I have been horrible at blogging for the past 11 months or so:( I will try to do better.

Now, as to the prayer...I went to church this Sunday expecting to hear the last sermon in the marriage series our pastor has been doing. Instead, they passed out a devotional type book on prayer and our pastor preached on prayer and fasting. I have to admit I was not particularly excited. If you grew up in the church, chances are you've learned about prayer...a lot. As I have grown in my walk with Christ, I have come to learn that prayer is a vital part of staying and feeling connected to God and that a blessing over lunch doesn't quite cut it. That said, I wasn't sure how much more I could learn about prayer.

Our church passed out these prayer devotional books that cover the month of March. 31 days of prayer...and fasting. I'm not going to blog about the fasting part, because that's just between the believer and God, but I really feel like I should share on the prayer part...warts and all.

Have you ever held something and just sensed the presence of God so much that you felt overwhelmed...felt like weeping...felt like God really wanted to do something? That's how I felt when I pulled out the book today to read Day 1. I had really just decided to do this because the whole church was going to do it and it couldn't hurt. But when I opened the book and flipped through to see the names of those who had contributed and the topics of their pages, I just really felt God's presence. It was like He was telling me that something mighty and awesome beyond our wildest imaginations is waiting for us, just as He is waiting for us. He wants to spend time with us if we'll only take the time to really slow down and relish every moment of our time with Him.

This probably won't be the most eloquent thing I have ever written, and it may offend some people. I would love it though if you would join me for the journey. Who knows what we might discover.

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