Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 7 - Heavenly Father

Today's prayer was for family or friends far away. One part of the prayer was for family or friends far away in a dangerous place. My thought was soldiers serving overseas. It was a prayer for those still at home to trust God and not be overtaken by loneliness and worry.

The second part was for loved ones who live far away. Since E and I live halfway across the country from our families, this was a prayer that hit home. We are not able to be there physically most of the time, but I can pray. So I do pray that God will be their defender when they go through tough times and that He will be their help. I pray God will keep them safe and draw them close.

I also pray for all the families separated by long distances, especially husband and wife or parent and child. I pray God will give them an extra measure of comfort and that He will hold their hearts and help them to have a peace that passes understanding.

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