Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 3 - The Power of Persistent Prayer

Today was about how to pray. Now, when I was a kid, I thought "Now I lay me down to sleep..." or "God is Great, God is Good..." were about all I needed. As I've gotten older, I still feel sometimes like I'm not really sure how to pray. But, I always remember something I learned at G.A. camp (along with the Ice Cream Sweetie song from when I was in Unit Two), and that is to just talk to God like you would a friend. After all, He is a friend, our best friend.

That said, this was actually more about being persistant when we pray. I have been guilty of praying for something and then giving up after God doesn't give me a near immediate answer. I figure it must not be God's will. I forget that God's concept of time and my concept of time are not the same. In reality, we are to pray without ceasing (I Thess 5:17). God will answer us in His time and in His way. God will answer, but often I am looking for a certain answer in a certain, usually small, time frame, so I think He doesn't answer.

Waiting on God is difficult. I want to move right then, or at least in the next 7-10 days, so when God doesn't answer right away, it's tempting to go ahead with my plans. Sometimes God makes me wait on things so that He gets all the glory, as evidenced by M's experience last year. God chose to heal her on His timetable, and now I wouldn't have it any other way.

So today my prayer is to continue praying, even when I don't get an answer right away. It's usually worth it:)

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