Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A friend posted this on her blog today...
It was her husband's answer to an anonymous post to her blog in which someone asked how God could let those who believe in Him starve and suffer. I thought it was a very well written response to a tough question. Go here to read it. Thanks, Stefanie, for tackling the tough stuff.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Day 12 - Praise God for Miracles
Today's prayer was about miracles. There is someone at our church who was at the brink of death a couple of years ago. The doctors said they had done all they could do and this person was in a coma and they were going to die. Their family, friends and members of the church went to God on their behalf and a miracle happened. James 5:16 says "the fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much."
Sometimes it is easy to think that miracles were only in the time of the bible, that they don't happen today, but the fact is they happen everyday. Sometimes they are small, like finding the earrings you just knew you lost; and sometimes they are big, like someone surviving what should have been certain death or a child being healed of an infection that looks impossible to heal. We have to keep praying even when we are not aware of the work that God is doing.
Sometimes it is easy to think that miracles were only in the time of the bible, that they don't happen today, but the fact is they happen everyday. Sometimes they are small, like finding the earrings you just knew you lost; and sometimes they are big, like someone surviving what should have been certain death or a child being healed of an infection that looks impossible to heal. We have to keep praying even when we are not aware of the work that God is doing.
Day 11 - Precious Heavenly Father
Today was about praying for healing of a friend.
God has told us if we call upon Him he will answer and show us great and mighty things that we know not of (Jeremiah 33:3). God also tells us that if we have faith, He will answer. The hard part is that He answers our prayers according to His will.
If we pray for healing, God will heal. It may be in Heaven, but He will heal. The hard part of faith is knowing that God's definition of healing and our definition of healing are not always the same thing. We have to trust God even when we don't understand God.
It seems like every day of prayer has reminded me of a song and today was no exception. Today I thought of the old Newsong tune "Trust His Heart", that says, "When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart." God loves us and wants what is best for us and what is best for us is His perfect will. We just have to trust that He has our best interests at heart.
God has told us if we call upon Him he will answer and show us great and mighty things that we know not of (Jeremiah 33:3). God also tells us that if we have faith, He will answer. The hard part is that He answers our prayers according to His will.
If we pray for healing, God will heal. It may be in Heaven, but He will heal. The hard part of faith is knowing that God's definition of healing and our definition of healing are not always the same thing. We have to trust God even when we don't understand God.
It seems like every day of prayer has reminded me of a song and today was no exception. Today I thought of the old Newsong tune "Trust His Heart", that says, "When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart." God loves us and wants what is best for us and what is best for us is His perfect will. We just have to trust that He has our best interests at heart.
Day 10 - Dearest One
Todays prayer was for someone going through an abusive situation.
When bad things happen, our first response is usually "Why?" or "How could God let this happen to me?" The truth is we may never know why we are going through a trial. God allows us to go through trials sometimes to refine us and make us purer, cleaner and more like him, but that doesn't mean he doesn't hurt for us. We can either dwell on what has happened or give it to God.
So many times we drag around our baggage and our anger towards God and disapointment in God. We are afraid to be honest, but He already knows how we really feel and He loves us anyway. He wants us to bring it all to Him so he can help us deal with all of it.
When bad things happen, our first response is usually "Why?" or "How could God let this happen to me?" The truth is we may never know why we are going through a trial. God allows us to go through trials sometimes to refine us and make us purer, cleaner and more like him, but that doesn't mean he doesn't hurt for us. We can either dwell on what has happened or give it to God.
So many times we drag around our baggage and our anger towards God and disapointment in God. We are afraid to be honest, but He already knows how we really feel and He loves us anyway. He wants us to bring it all to Him so he can help us deal with all of it.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Day 9 - Healing Broken Marriages
Today's prayer is about healing broken marriages. As a child of divorce myself, this is a topic close to my heart. Marriage is hard and a good marriage is even harder. I really want to model a good marriage for my kids, so that when they grow up and get married themselves, they have a good model to follow, but it is really hard. The very things that attracted me to E can sometimes get on my very last nerve. Ironically, those are the areas we struggle with. It seems there's always one area that makes me say "If only that were different, we'd have smooth sailing." Of course there would always be "one area", but it's tempting to think that if I could just get him to see things my way, he would see that I am right and beg for my forgiveness and we would live happily ever after:) In reality, if you're not working on your marriage, it stumbles off the path and gets lost in the woods.
When E and I had been married about a year, the bloom was falling off the rose. The rosy, easy married life I had pictured was not always the case. It was really taking work and I was disillusioned. I was browsing in a Christian bookstore at the mall in Savannah, Georgia and I found a book called "When Prince Charming Falls Off His Horse" (or something along those lines) that explained that romantic love fades and you're left with a commitment...a promise you have made. Now that we have kids, that commitment is even stronger.
I pray for my marriage and the marriages of everyone in our church and all my friends. I pray that God will make them strong and that they will be good marriages and good models of God's design for marriage.
I pray for those going through separation and divorce. My parents are divorced and have been since I was a toddler. The breakup of a marriage is not always or even usually a mutual decision. I pray God will heal your heart and that you will know you are loved.
When E and I had been married about a year, the bloom was falling off the rose. The rosy, easy married life I had pictured was not always the case. It was really taking work and I was disillusioned. I was browsing in a Christian bookstore at the mall in Savannah, Georgia and I found a book called "When Prince Charming Falls Off His Horse" (or something along those lines) that explained that romantic love fades and you're left with a commitment...a promise you have made. Now that we have kids, that commitment is even stronger.
I pray for my marriage and the marriages of everyone in our church and all my friends. I pray that God will make them strong and that they will be good marriages and good models of God's design for marriage.
I pray for those going through separation and divorce. My parents are divorced and have been since I was a toddler. The breakup of a marriage is not always or even usually a mutual decision. I pray God will heal your heart and that you will know you are loved.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Day 8 - Abortion
This is a touchy subject for a lot of people. What I was most touched by today, though, was that I need to make greater efforts to be supportive of every pregnant woman or single parent, so they don't feel condemned. In a perfect world, every child would be born into and remain in a loving two parent home, but we are definitely not living in a perfect world. If we say we are against abortion, that means we must step in and help the single mothers who choose to have their baby. God loves them and I need to too.
Day 7 - Heavenly Father
Today's prayer was for family or friends far away. One part of the prayer was for family or friends far away in a dangerous place. My thought was soldiers serving overseas. It was a prayer for those still at home to trust God and not be overtaken by loneliness and worry.
The second part was for loved ones who live far away. Since E and I live halfway across the country from our families, this was a prayer that hit home. We are not able to be there physically most of the time, but I can pray. So I do pray that God will be their defender when they go through tough times and that He will be their help. I pray God will keep them safe and draw them close.
I also pray for all the families separated by long distances, especially husband and wife or parent and child. I pray God will give them an extra measure of comfort and that He will hold their hearts and help them to have a peace that passes understanding.
The second part was for loved ones who live far away. Since E and I live halfway across the country from our families, this was a prayer that hit home. We are not able to be there physically most of the time, but I can pray. So I do pray that God will be their defender when they go through tough times and that He will be their help. I pray God will keep them safe and draw them close.
I also pray for all the families separated by long distances, especially husband and wife or parent and child. I pray God will give them an extra measure of comfort and that He will hold their hearts and help them to have a peace that passes understanding.
Day 6 - Pray for Our Pastors and Spiritual Leaders
Today's reading included a quote from Gardiner Spring. If you are like me, you're wondering who Gardiner Spring is, so I looked him up on yahoo. Gardiner Spring was a minister in the 1800s who resisted become a minister for many years and practiced law instead, this peeked my interest, since I am a sometimes lawyer myself. When he finally surrendered to God's call, he was the preacher of the same church in New England for 63 years, even though he received numerous calls to go to other "bigger" churches. He wrote A LOT of books.
The quote said "it is no marvel that the pulpit is so powerless, and ministers so often disheartened when there are so few to hold up their hands...when the churches cease to pray for ministers, ministers will no longer be a blessing to the churches." YIKES!!!! Guilty as charged! It is so easy to assume that my pastor spends so much time with God that they are tight and he doesn't really need my prayers because he must pray all the time anyway. It is easy to overlook the struggles he must go through.
Our church has 3 services every Sunday morning, plus a Sunday night service, plus a discipleship class the pastor teaches every Wednesday. That's a lot of preaching, teaching and preparation. I am going to try harder to pray for him and his family.
The quote said "it is no marvel that the pulpit is so powerless, and ministers so often disheartened when there are so few to hold up their hands...when the churches cease to pray for ministers, ministers will no longer be a blessing to the churches." YIKES!!!! Guilty as charged! It is so easy to assume that my pastor spends so much time with God that they are tight and he doesn't really need my prayers because he must pray all the time anyway. It is easy to overlook the struggles he must go through.
Our church has 3 services every Sunday morning, plus a Sunday night service, plus a discipleship class the pastor teaches every Wednesday. That's a lot of preaching, teaching and preparation. I am going to try harder to pray for him and his family.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Day 5 - Unity within the Church Body
Okay, I have to admit that just the title of this one made me cringe a little. I sometimes (okay oftentimes) struggle with unity. I know we're all on the same team in the church and we should be working together, but I have to admit that sometimes I struggle with not tearing other folks down to make me feel better. When God seems to be blessing someone else more, or giving them an opportunity in ministry that I wish I could have, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that we have a common goal and God just might know what He's doing and doesn't really need my take on who He should use to accomplish His goals.
I pray for God to protect and grow the unity of His church and help me keep sight of the real reason I'm there. I also pray that I would be open to where God wants me and not where I want me.
I pray for God to protect and grow the unity of His church and help me keep sight of the real reason I'm there. I also pray that I would be open to where God wants me and not where I want me.
Day 4 - Missionaries
Today was about praying for missionaries. My first thought was a prayer of thanksgiving that God had not called me to a mission field:), but on a more serious note, prayer is what most missionaries want more than anything else we can give them. There is a couple from our church who just went to Ethiopia for in January to begin serving God there. They sort of know exactly one other family in the whole country. Can you imagine? I just moved to another region of the U.S. and I know I felt culture shock and homesickness. I can see why they might appreciate prayer. Also, it pointed out that in Ephesians 6:19, right in the middle of Paul telling everyone how important prayer is, he stopped and asked God to help him to be a better witness right where he was. Can I really pray for God to protect and provide for a missionary if I don't believe He can do the same thing for me? Whoa! Talk about a faith check.
I pray for God to give me opportunities to share my faith and especially keep me from getting in the way of God's work by saying something I shouldn't or having a bad attitude. And I do pray for God to protect missionaries all over the world and give them boldness and encouragement and help them not to feel lonely...and help me not to mess up what He's trying to do through anybody else too!:)
I pray for God to give me opportunities to share my faith and especially keep me from getting in the way of God's work by saying something I shouldn't or having a bad attitude. And I do pray for God to protect missionaries all over the world and give them boldness and encouragement and help them not to feel lonely...and help me not to mess up what He's trying to do through anybody else too!:)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Day 3 - The Power of Persistent Prayer
Today was about how to pray. Now, when I was a kid, I thought "Now I lay me down to sleep..." or "God is Great, God is Good..." were about all I needed. As I've gotten older, I still feel sometimes like I'm not really sure how to pray. But, I always remember something I learned at G.A. camp (along with the Ice Cream Sweetie song from when I was in Unit Two), and that is to just talk to God like you would a friend. After all, He is a friend, our best friend.
That said, this was actually more about being persistant when we pray. I have been guilty of praying for something and then giving up after God doesn't give me a near immediate answer. I figure it must not be God's will. I forget that God's concept of time and my concept of time are not the same. In reality, we are to pray without ceasing (I Thess 5:17). God will answer us in His time and in His way. God will answer, but often I am looking for a certain answer in a certain, usually small, time frame, so I think He doesn't answer.
Waiting on God is difficult. I want to move right then, or at least in the next 7-10 days, so when God doesn't answer right away, it's tempting to go ahead with my plans. Sometimes God makes me wait on things so that He gets all the glory, as evidenced by M's experience last year. God chose to heal her on His timetable, and now I wouldn't have it any other way.
So today my prayer is to continue praying, even when I don't get an answer right away. It's usually worth it:)
That said, this was actually more about being persistant when we pray. I have been guilty of praying for something and then giving up after God doesn't give me a near immediate answer. I figure it must not be God's will. I forget that God's concept of time and my concept of time are not the same. In reality, we are to pray without ceasing (I Thess 5:17). God will answer us in His time and in His way. God will answer, but often I am looking for a certain answer in a certain, usually small, time frame, so I think He doesn't answer.
Waiting on God is difficult. I want to move right then, or at least in the next 7-10 days, so when God doesn't answer right away, it's tempting to go ahead with my plans. Sometimes God makes me wait on things so that He gets all the glory, as evidenced by M's experience last year. God chose to heal her on His timetable, and now I wouldn't have it any other way.
So today my prayer is to continue praying, even when I don't get an answer right away. It's usually worth it:)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Day 2- Revival - Spiritual Awakening
Today was about the Great Awakenings experienced in America, Wales and northern England. What a powerful move of God. How amazing it must have been. The prayer today is that God will reveal to me how to seek His face, that our church will become a 2 Chronicles 7:14 church - If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land - and that America would experience a 3rd Great Awakening.
I think I have the most trouble with the "humble themselves" part. I always seem to think my plans are so good and so thought out that God should just jump on my bandwagon. Instead, I am to humble myself and remember that He is the first, the last, the beginning and the end and I don't have much on my pedigree compared to Him. Who am I to think my plans are better than His or He just hasn't thought about how everything will affect me?
As I read this passage today, I couldn't help but think of the song "Great Awakening" by 4Him, that says "these are the days of the great awakening." Do you think? Could it be? That sure would be awesome!
I think I have the most trouble with the "humble themselves" part. I always seem to think my plans are so good and so thought out that God should just jump on my bandwagon. Instead, I am to humble myself and remember that He is the first, the last, the beginning and the end and I don't have much on my pedigree compared to Him. Who am I to think my plans are better than His or He just hasn't thought about how everything will affect me?
As I read this passage today, I couldn't help but think of the song "Great Awakening" by 4Him, that says "these are the days of the great awakening." Do you think? Could it be? That sure would be awesome!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Day 1 - Dear Lord
Today's prayer was from our Pastor. It was a prayer that our church would rise up and be a city on a hill, shining as a beacon to our community. We pray that we will have a "fearless faith" and live our lives with "selfless abandon".
This was kind of a general thank you God, help us to be what you want us to be and keep us from being led astray prayer. What a great start. It is exciting to set out on a journey. I'm always filled with anticipation. I kind of feel the same way about this month. I am excited to see what God can do in my life, but more than that, in the life of our church, our nation, and our world.
This morning on my way into work, I heard the morning personality on the Christian radio station I was listening to talking about how she was looking at what the bible had to say about prayer and fasting as she prepared for Easter. Then, the same station played the song, "City on Our Knees" by tobyMac, which is currently one of my favorite songs and talks about being a city on our knees now, not tomorrow or next week or next year. It is amazing sometimes how God sends confirmation to you of what He is trying to say. I pray today that we can all be like a city on a hill, a beacon to our corner of the world, shining God's love with abandon.
This was kind of a general thank you God, help us to be what you want us to be and keep us from being led astray prayer. What a great start. It is exciting to set out on a journey. I'm always filled with anticipation. I kind of feel the same way about this month. I am excited to see what God can do in my life, but more than that, in the life of our church, our nation, and our world.
This morning on my way into work, I heard the morning personality on the Christian radio station I was listening to talking about how she was looking at what the bible had to say about prayer and fasting as she prepared for Easter. Then, the same station played the song, "City on Our Knees" by tobyMac, which is currently one of my favorite songs and talks about being a city on our knees now, not tomorrow or next week or next year. It is amazing sometimes how God sends confirmation to you of what He is trying to say. I pray today that we can all be like a city on a hill, a beacon to our corner of the world, shining God's love with abandon.
We now interupt this regularly scheduled adoption blog...
To bring you a month of prayer...well, about prayer.
First off, I know I have been horrible at blogging for the past 11 months or so:( I will try to do better.
Now, as to the prayer...I went to church this Sunday expecting to hear the last sermon in the marriage series our pastor has been doing. Instead, they passed out a devotional type book on prayer and our pastor preached on prayer and fasting. I have to admit I was not particularly excited. If you grew up in the church, chances are you've learned about prayer...a lot. As I have grown in my walk with Christ, I have come to learn that prayer is a vital part of staying and feeling connected to God and that a blessing over lunch doesn't quite cut it. That said, I wasn't sure how much more I could learn about prayer.
Our church passed out these prayer devotional books that cover the month of March. 31 days of prayer...and fasting. I'm not going to blog about the fasting part, because that's just between the believer and God, but I really feel like I should share on the prayer part...warts and all.
Have you ever held something and just sensed the presence of God so much that you felt overwhelmed...felt like weeping...felt like God really wanted to do something? That's how I felt when I pulled out the book today to read Day 1. I had really just decided to do this because the whole church was going to do it and it couldn't hurt. But when I opened the book and flipped through to see the names of those who had contributed and the topics of their pages, I just really felt God's presence. It was like He was telling me that something mighty and awesome beyond our wildest imaginations is waiting for us, just as He is waiting for us. He wants to spend time with us if we'll only take the time to really slow down and relish every moment of our time with Him.
This probably won't be the most eloquent thing I have ever written, and it may offend some people. I would love it though if you would join me for the journey. Who knows what we might discover.
First off, I know I have been horrible at blogging for the past 11 months or so:( I will try to do better.
Now, as to the prayer...I went to church this Sunday expecting to hear the last sermon in the marriage series our pastor has been doing. Instead, they passed out a devotional type book on prayer and our pastor preached on prayer and fasting. I have to admit I was not particularly excited. If you grew up in the church, chances are you've learned about prayer...a lot. As I have grown in my walk with Christ, I have come to learn that prayer is a vital part of staying and feeling connected to God and that a blessing over lunch doesn't quite cut it. That said, I wasn't sure how much more I could learn about prayer.
Our church passed out these prayer devotional books that cover the month of March. 31 days of prayer...and fasting. I'm not going to blog about the fasting part, because that's just between the believer and God, but I really feel like I should share on the prayer part...warts and all.
Have you ever held something and just sensed the presence of God so much that you felt overwhelmed...felt like weeping...felt like God really wanted to do something? That's how I felt when I pulled out the book today to read Day 1. I had really just decided to do this because the whole church was going to do it and it couldn't hurt. But when I opened the book and flipped through to see the names of those who had contributed and the topics of their pages, I just really felt God's presence. It was like He was telling me that something mighty and awesome beyond our wildest imaginations is waiting for us, just as He is waiting for us. He wants to spend time with us if we'll only take the time to really slow down and relish every moment of our time with Him.
This probably won't be the most eloquent thing I have ever written, and it may offend some people. I would love it though if you would join me for the journey. Who knows what we might discover.
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